Univ. Prof. Dr. Schahram Dustdar
Full Professor
Head of the Distributed Systems Group
IEEE Fellow, Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA) President and Fellow
ACM Distinguished Scientist, ACM Distinguished Speaker
Member of the Academia Europaea, Chairman of the Informatics Section
dustdar @ dsg.tuwien.ac.at
+43 1 58801 18414
last edited: December 14, 2021
Please check the TISS page for a complete listing related to my teaching.
Some previous teaching:
- University of Vienna, Knowledge Engineering: Course on Multimedia Information Systems [2000 - 2003]
- University of Vienna, Knowledge Engineering: Course on Internet Computing [1999 - 2000]
- University of Linz, Information Engineering: Course on Multimedia Communications [1999]
- University of Regensburg, Germany, Institute for Business Informatics: Course on Multimedia Information Systems [1996]
- University of Art and Design, Center for Informatics: Course on Multimedia [1991 - 1999]