Schahram Dustdar

Full Professor
Head of the Distributed Systems Group

IEEE Fellow, Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA) President and Fellow
ACM Distinguished Scientist, ACM Distinguished Speaker
Member of the Academia Europaea, Chairman of the Informatics Section

+43 1 58801 18414

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last edited: August 2, 2021


Current Research Projects

  1. TEADAL - Trustworthy, Energy-Aware federated DAta Lakes along the Computing Continuum. HORIZON EUROPE, HORIZON II
  2. Polaris 2.0 - with Futurewei Technologies Inc.
  3. SLOC - Service Level Objectives oriented Cloud Infrastructure - with Futurewei Technologies Inc.
  4. ARC MIA - What Can You Trust in the Large and Noisy Web?
  5. RAINBOW - An open, trusted fog computing platform facilitating the deployment, orchestration and management of scalable, heterogeneous and secure IOT services and cross-cloud apps. Horizon 2020 EU Research and Innovation Programme
  6. FogProtect - Protecting Sensitive Data in the Computing Continuum. Horizon 2020 EU Research and Innovation Programme

Finished research projects

  1. CAPES-PRINT UFPR: Environment Modelling and Monitoring - REsMA
  2. CPS/IoT Ecosystem - is a joint initiative under “Hochschulraum-Strukturmittel (HRSM)” national funding platform administered by Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy
  3. FORA - Fog Computing for Robotics and Industrial Automation
  4. DILUTE - Fluid Service Abstraction for Large-Scale Cloud IoT Systems
  5. Smart FI - Exploiting Aggregated Open Data from Smart Cities for the Future Internet Society
  6. ACROSS - ICT COST Action IC1304: Autonomous Control for a Reliable Internet of Services
  7. Copas - Ecosystems for Optimized Process As a Service
  8. SIMULTAN - Simultaneous planning environment for buildings in resilient, highly energy efficient and resource-efficient districts
  9. URBEM-DK - Urban Energy and Mobility Systems
  10. Smart Society - FET-IP project
  11. SIMPLI-CITY - The Road User Information System of the Future - EU Innovation Radar: Innovation Title: SIMPLI-CITY mobility related services framework; Innovation Category: Creation
  12. Celar - Automatic, multi-grained elasticity-provisioning for the Cloud - _EU Innovation Radar:_Innovation Title: Elasticity Provisioning Platform; Innovation Category: Creation Innovation Title: The Cloud Application Management Framework; Innovation Category: Exploration
  13. Cloud Computing Research - with Pacific Controls
  14. Energy Efficient Large Scale Distributed Systems - European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action: IC0804
  15. ESA-CWE - European Space Agency - Study on Collaborative Working environments for large organizations
  16. Audit 4 SOAs - Augmented Diagnosis and Testing for SOAs (Austrian Research Foundation (FWF))
  17. INDENICA - Engineering Virtual Domain-Specific Service Platforms (EU Framework 7, Call 5, ICT 1.2)
  18. ESA - GMES Sentinel-1 Soil Moisture Algorithm Development (S1-SMAD)
  19. IT Infrastructure in Support to the Creation of an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) Data Record on Soil Moisture
  20. ESA - Collaborative On-line Desktop Engineering and Management
  21. ESA - Semantic Space Study
  22. FP863 - (EU Framework 7 SA project, Call 4, Theme ICT 2009.9.1a)
  23. Energy Efficient Large Scale Distributed Systems - European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action: IC0804
  24. Service-Oriented Data Integration (WWTF, Austria)
  25. Foundations of Self-governing ICT Infrastructures - FoSII (WWTF, Austria)
  26. SM4All - Smart Homes for All (EU Framework 7 STREP project, Call 2, Theme ICT 3.7: Networked Embedded and Control Systems)
  27. COMPAS - Compliance-driven Models, Languages, and Architectures for Services (EU Framework 7 STREP project, Call 1, Theme ICT 1.1.2 Software and Services) - Coordinator
  28. S-CUBE - Service and Software Architectures, Infrastructures and Engineering (EU Framework 7 NoE project, Call 1, Theme ICT 1.1.2 Software and Services)
  29. COIN - Collaboration and Interoperability for networked enterprises (EU Framework 7 IP project, Call 1, Theme ICT 1.1.3 ICT in support of the networked enterprise)
  30. COMMIUS - Community-based Interoperability Utility for SMEs (EU Framework 7 STREP project, Call 1, Theme ICT 1.1.3 ICT in support of the networked enterprise)
  31. inContext - (EU Framework 6 project, Call 5, ICT) - Coordinator
  32. ADAGE (Australia - EU cooperation project)
  33. Workpad - (EU Framework 6 project, Call 5, ICT)
  34. OSIRIS - (Open Source Infrastructure for Run-Time Integration of Services) - ITEA EU-Project
  35. SemBiz - (FIT-IT - Austria)
  36. Semantic Culture Guide - FIT-IT Austria funded project
  37. ESA-CWE - European Space Agency - Study on Collaborative Working environments for large organizations
  38. OMNIS (FWF - Austria)
  39. Met@Logo (2004-2006): Meta Local e-government, EU-funded project
  40. NEDINE (2004 - 2006) Intelligent News Distribution Network for multinational business news exchange and dissemination, EU-funded project
  41. Distributed and Mobile Collaboration Lab (DMC)
  42. other research projects I am involved in