Dr. Andrea Morichetta
University assistant (Postdoc)
a.morichetta @ dsg.tuwien.ac.at
+43 1 58801 184902
last edited: 16.01.2020
Short CV
Andrea Morichetta joined the Distributed Systems Group of the Institute of Information Systems Engineering in January 2020, as University assistant.
He received his Doctoral degree in Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering in January 2020, in Politecnico di Torino in the Telecommunication Network Group. He worked under the supervision of Prof. Marco Mellia, with a grant fully funded by the Big-DAMA project. From 2017 to 2020 he collaborated with the SmartData@PoliTO center for data science and big data. In 2017 he visited, for a summer internship, Cisco in San Jose, CA. From January 2019 to July 2019 he was a visiting student at AIT, in Vienna, Austria.
His research focused on data analysis and machine learning, with particular attention on unsupervised methodologies, applied to networks, with an accent on security and network traffic characterization.
Research Interests
- AI for predictive/Proactive scaling in the cloud
- Edge intelligence
- Serverless Computing
- Security for distributed systems
No. | Title | Type |
184.194 | Seminar in Distributed Systems | SE, 3.0 ECTS |
184.260 | Distributed Systems Technologies | VU, 6.0 ECTS |
Thesis & Project Supervision
I am willing to co-supervising bachelor and master thesis for motivated students interested in topics that match my research focus. For any proposal/question/idea don’t hesitate to contact me.
Co-Supervised Theses
Academic Activities
I have been official reviewer for
- ACM Transactions on the Web
- Computer Networks
- Computers and Security
- IEEE Access
- IEEE Transaction on Services Computing
I have been a PC member for